Classroom management in mathematical training processes applied to students


  • Karina E. Calderón Montes Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Dr. Humberto Pastor Castillo Quintero Universidad de los Andes de Venezuela


Classroom management, training processes, educational challenge, motivation


The present work analyzes the classroom management that facilitates the educational challenge in the current environment for the teaching of mathematical knowledge, which has represented one of the areas that frame a very complex and incomprehensible degree of understanding, when the student does not acquire the necessary interest. for the subject, for this reason in the Lieutenant Hugo Ortiz Garcés Private Educational Unit with military discipline, the training processes are strengthened through pedagogical strategies that allow for meaningful and effective learning in mathematics, bearing in mind that technology is a means that it became part of education and took a lot of strength with the Covid-19 pandemic, becoming the only way to communicate, contact and study. After applying the necessary strategies in the student such as both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, strengthening confidence and self-esteem and giving way to the acquisition of knowledge, it was obtained that of 100%, only 25% could not have an adequate understanding. of the subject, reaching the conclusion that parents play such an important, necessary and irreplaceable role.


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How to Cite

Calderón Montes, K. E., & Castillo Quintero, D. H. P. (2023). Classroom management in mathematical training processes applied to students. Sinapsis, 1(22). Retrieved from