Gamification applied to the teaching of a didactic unit in the subject of physics
Gamification, Physics, Motivation, Intrinsic, ExtrinsicAbstract
In an increasingly interconnected world in which all areas are undergoing great changes, education cannot be left behind. Addressing the needs of students who will face a more competitive world is more pressing, this cannot be done from traditional methodologies that do not take advantage of the new technologies that are emerging. Likewise, the student's perception of the study of physics has been subordinated to only extrinsic aspects, without enhancing the important and motivating aspects. It is intended to use the gamification technique, supported by the incorporation of technological tools to the teaching of a didactic unit, in order to awaken the intrinsic motivation of the student for the subject. For the execution of the goal, the intervention proposal is developed, this consists of several types of activities using different technological tools, framed in a gamified environment that uses the elements of the game for its design and directed according to the different interests of the students awakening the desire to participate. A descriptive quantitative methodology is applied that uses a survey as a tool to measure the type of motivation that the development of gamified activities has aroused in students. The activities oriented towards the interests of the students, encompassed in a gamification theme, encourage intrinsic motivation on the part of the students as opposed to extrinsic motivation.
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